Johannesburg – JSE Limited listed Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Limited (APN), a global multinational specialty pharmaceutical company, is celebrating its 10th year of participation in the annual Mandela International Day (Mandela Day) campaign.

Stephen Saad, Aspen Group Chief Executive said, “We participated in our first initiative in 2011 when we partnered with the Rekopane Inclusive Development Centre based in Germiston, Gauteng. Through a multi-phased initiative we helped to improve the environment for the some 50 mentally and physically challenged children who were based at the Centre. Little were we to know at that time, that our annual Mandela Day initiative would gain such significant momentum and be implemented across our businesses in some 40 countries.”
“Our employees continue to drive our Mandela Day campaign and it’s always encouraging to see their involvement and enthusiasm as we collectively strive to make a meaningful difference in the world. Every action, irrespective whether it is financial, physical, emotional or a gesture of sincere kindness, contributes toward uplifting someone who is less fortunate. Although participation is voluntary, it has been widely embraced and many employees have become active contributors to worthy causes in a personal capacity since being exposed to Mandela Day. This attitude is particularly pleasing as it is so closely aligned with our ethos of displaying respect while instilling a spirit of dignity in disadvantaged citizens and it speaks so closely to our credo of Healthcare. We Care.”

Despite the global ravages of the COVID-19 pandemic, Aspen has continued with its Mandela Day efforts and is, dependent on whether circumstances allow, providing for activities to take place from July to December 2020. While COVID-19 may have limited direct social engagement with beneficiaries this has not stopped Aspen’s employees who have adopted alternative measures, some of which include blanket drives, food relief, blood donations, the provision of educational aids and many others.
Aspen’s Mandela Day projects cover a broad spectrum of initiatives that include healthcare, nutrition, education, social enhancement and development, infrastructural improvements, animal wellbeing, preserving the environment, and providing employees with the opportunity to show kindness to citizens of all ages from all walks of life. Since 2001, Aspen has engaged in more than 580 projects in 40 countries which have impacted the lives of some 782 000 beneficiaries. Read more about Aspen’s Mandela Day activities at, follow us on FaceBook, Twitter or LinkedIn and engage on social media via #aspenmandeladay.