CGTN Radio 对话爱施健中国CEO|开放与机遇

第五届中国国际进口博览举办期间,全球100多个国家的企业汇聚一堂,参与这一盛会。进博会对于非洲企业来说意味着什么?又会带来怎样的机遇?近日,中央广播电视总台英语资讯广播(CGTN RADIO)主持人Zanele Buthelezi 在一栏China Africa Talk节目中,对话爱施健中国区总裁Larry Merizalde先生。

Closed Period

Aspen is in a closed period from 1 January until the publication of our interim results on the JSE SENS platform scheduled to be released on 1 March 2023.

The live presentation will take place in Cape Town at 08h30 on 2 March 2023.